Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. July 08 2024

    Location, Chorro and Peach intersection This intersection finds people forced to take chances to turn left in automobiles or to cross any direction. They wait so long they finally just go for it and I have witnessed many close calls.

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  2. July 08 2024

    I have helped blind pedestrians on Marsh Streetand Santa Rosa. They tell me that the auditory signals are often not working.

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  3. July 08 2024

    Students crossing highway 1 to get to shopping center

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  4. July 08 2024

    No safe way to cross broad near Fuller, aerovista or fiero! Playing frogger to walk or bike to work. Many many near misses.

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  5. July 08 2024

    The section of Tank Farm Road between the railroad bridge and Broad has a 35 mph posted speed limit, yet many vehicle far exceed that speed. Many pedestrians and cyclists cross here to get to trails, French Park & shopping.

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  6. July 08 2024

    this corner of pismo and johnson is dangerous for pedestrians.....crossing pismo from north to south on side going toward toro. traffic is going fast...not easy to see pedestrian. very little standing space on sidewalk........m to stand on sidewalk.

    Liked 2 times
  7. July 08 2024

    impossible to cross Broad Street anytime from South side to North side as a pedestrian. Very Dangerous.

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  8. July 08 2024

    No crosswalk nearby for senior residents in Chumash Village.

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  9. July 08 2024

    Bridge across railway was promised as part of Rigetti Ranch

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  10. July 08 2024

    City's changes to the Village-to-shopping center crossing on Ramona (eliminating the raised crosswalk) have made it dangerous for pedestrians. I have witnessed numerous safety problems there. It's only a matter of time till a ped is killed.

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  11. July 08 2024

    Not safe crossing at two intersections that have high pedestrian traffic, including many children going to school, the park and the pool. At Laurel and Southwood, and also at Southwood and Johnson.

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  12. July 08 2024

    high level of pedestrian traffic, including many children going to school, the park, and the pool

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  13. July 08 2024

    The speed and amount of traffic on Los Osos Valley Road and Diablo is getting worse all the time. The speed is 45mph. needs to be reduced to 35. A light needs to be at LOVR and Diablo.

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  14. July 08 2024

    Hard to see cars coming off the Osos off ramp. Hard to see cars driving down Osos and wanting to enter Hwy 101

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  15. July 08 2024

    Difficulty seeing traffic signals when turning south from Madonna to Higuera. Have to duck down.

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  16. July 08 2024

    Vision often blocked by illegal parking in front of Chop business or parking in center turn lane.

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  17. July 08 2024

    Concern about access to Higuera in proposal to reduce Higuera to 3 lanes, prioritizing bikes over vehicles. No signal in proposal.

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  18. July 08 2024

    Blocked vision for right on red from Suburban to Higuera.

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  19. July 08 2024

    Dangerous to make a left turn from any shopping center exit.

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  20. July 08 2024

    Dangerous to exit the open space parking lot.

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  21. July 08 2024

    Dangerous left turn from Meadow Park

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  22. July 08 2024

    Neighborhood traffic circles here and in other places often still have stop signs on some of the connecting roads. These should just be made to all-way yield as it's more of a roundabout-style intersection.

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  23. July 08 2024

    This stretch of Broad street, ideally from South to Orcutt, should be slowed to residential speeds. It is much to difficult to enter/leave the Woodbridge neighborhood in a vehicle when left turns are required.

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  24. July 08 2024

    N. Broad St. between Hwy. 101 & Foothill Blvd. is too narrow (34' wide, 28' wide w/ bike lane) to accommodate large, wide, & heavy delivery trucks. Truck warning signage too small to stand out. Traffic enforcement sporadic.

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  25. July 08 2024

    Really appreciate the asset (bike path along Madonna). I use it all the time.

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