Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”
Not safe crossing at two intersections that have high pedestrian traffic, including many children going to school, the park and the pool. At Laurel and Southwood, and also at Southwood and Johnson.
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high level of pedestrian traffic, including many children going to school, the park, and the pool
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The speed and amount of traffic on Los Osos Valley Road and Diablo is getting worse all the time. The speed is 45mph. needs to be reduced to 35. A light needs to be at LOVR and Diablo.
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Hard to see cars coming off the Osos off ramp. Hard to see cars driving down Osos and wanting to enter Hwy 101
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Difficulty seeing traffic signals when turning south from Madonna to Higuera. Have to duck down.
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Vision often blocked by illegal parking in front of Chop business or parking in center turn lane.
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Concern about access to Higuera in proposal to reduce Higuera to 3 lanes, prioritizing bikes over vehicles. No signal in proposal.
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Blocked vision for right on red from Suburban to Higuera.
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Dangerous to make a left turn from any shopping center exit.
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Dangerous to exit the open space parking lot.
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Dangerous left turn from Meadow Park
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Neighborhood traffic circles here and in other places often still have stop signs on some of the connecting roads. These should just be made to all-way yield as it's more of a roundabout-style intersection.
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This stretch of Broad street, ideally from South to Orcutt, should be slowed to residential speeds. It is much to difficult to enter/leave the Woodbridge neighborhood in a vehicle when left turns are required.
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N. Broad St. between Hwy. 101 & Foothill Blvd. is too narrow (34' wide, 28' wide w/ bike lane) to accommodate large, wide, & heavy delivery trucks. Truck warning signage too small to stand out. Traffic enforcement sporadic.
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Really appreciate the asset (bike path along Madonna). I use it all the time.
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The new neighborhood promenade. Love it, and use it every day. I see lots of neighbors on it as well.
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Appreciate the new infrastructure to get to Cal Poly from downtown
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Love the new option to skip high traffic area
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Can't wait for the next upgrade!
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this cut-through is great
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The new path between Ramona & Foothill along with the Foothill pedestrian hybrid beacon makes it safe for our family to walk and bike to Pacheco Elementry.
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The protected bike lane between Chorro & Peach makes my daily commute to work by bike much less stressful.
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Signal delay for pedestrian crossing is very helpful crossing Monterey where drivers look left and turn right without checking for pedestrians; a marked crosswalk would really help
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This HAWK is great! There needs to be another between Lawrence and Orcutt because there is no connection to downtown from that neighborhood. It would also break up traffic that will allow others to cross Broad too.
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The walls put in place for bikers are wonderful.
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