Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. July 08 2024

    The new neighborhood promenade. Love it, and use it every day. I see lots of neighbors on it as well.

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  2. July 08 2024

    Appreciate the new infrastructure to get to Cal Poly from downtown

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  3. July 08 2024

    Love the new option to skip high traffic area

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  4. July 08 2024

    Can't wait for the next upgrade!

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  5. July 08 2024

    this cut-through is great

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  6. July 08 2024

    The new path between Ramona & Foothill along with the Foothill pedestrian hybrid beacon makes it safe for our family to walk and bike to Pacheco Elementry.

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  7. July 08 2024

    The protected bike lane between Chorro & Peach makes my daily commute to work by bike much less stressful.

    Liked 2 times
  8. July 08 2024

    Signal delay for pedestrian crossing is very helpful crossing Monterey where drivers look left and turn right without checking for pedestrians; a marked crosswalk would really help

    Liked 1 time
  9. July 08 2024

    This HAWK is great! There needs to be another between Lawrence and Orcutt because there is no connection to downtown from that neighborhood. It would also break up traffic that will allow others to cross Broad too.

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  10. July 08 2024

    The walls put in place for bikers are wonderful.

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  11. July 08 2024

    Traffic Circle has reduced speeds on this section of road and I observe as a pedestrian great awareness by drivers of pedestrians and vehicles within the circle. This has been a great addition to this road and intersection of roads.

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  12. July 08 2024

    excess number of cars parked on the street creates decreased visibility for cyclists, pedestrians and even safety hazard for drivers. This is in part due to the big influx of housing in an area that was not meant for that many people and no parking.

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  13. July 08 2024

    Drivers fail to respond to lights indicating crossing pedestrians/cyclists 2/5 crossings. Enforcement needed.

    Liked 1 time
  14. July 08 2024

    Broad St Ped crossing- super dangerous to have broad st traffic stop for pedestrians, esp so close to an intersection.

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  15. July 08 2024

    There should be a signal here for left turning out of the high school or eliminate left turning out of the high school or change the intersection at Johnson/SL Drive to a roundabout and make this a 3 way stop.

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  16. July 08 2024

    speed concerns on highland drive in san luis obispo

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  17. July 08 2024

    It is almost impossible to turn left out of Stoneridge, even more so when cars are parked close to the intersection of Broad and Stoneridge.

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  18. July 08 2024

    Cars and bicyclists are often running the stop signs on both Peach and Broad without stopping. This in spite of the fact that our neighborhood requested replacing the existing stop sign on Broad with a much larger one.

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  19. July 08 2024

    Unsafe intersection, collisions and near misses

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  20. July 08 2024

    The divider doesn't stop Southbound drivers from going into oncoming traffic to turn left into the public market (before the divider in the middle lane or by using the middle left turn lane into silver city).

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  21. July 08 2024

    The divider doesn't stop drivers leaving the public market from taking a left when it's a right turn only exit.

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  22. July 08 2024

    Speeding!!! Failure to yield to bikes, pedestrians, cars from Descanso

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  23. July 08 2024

    A near head on accident because of construction on Broad Street closing traddic lanes.

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  24. July 08 2024

    Car crash- Blind spot for cars turning left from beach st to high st when cars are parked along high st on right side

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  25. July 08 2024

    A 4 way stop sign at Peach and Chorro would slow traffic down coming into that intersection AND slow traffic at Mill and Chorro. Bad wrecks happen there. The Mission school traffic would flow better and safer.

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