Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. July 08 2024

    Drivers blind to pedestrians and bicycles in tank farm round about. I was crossing one way and pedestrian other both were inside intersection and Tesla zoomed between us both - scaring us

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  2. July 08 2024

    Taking Garibaldi South and trying to connect to Bullock and bike path through Righetti means I have to either salmon down a bike lane against traffic or ride the narrow, crowded, sidewalk. Needs a wider marked multiuse sidewalk.

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  3. July 08 2024

    A lot of focus on vehicles being aware of bicyclists' safety, and I totally agree. However, as a driver I realize that, in many instances, that awareness does not seem to extend to bicyclist. I am amazed how often bicyclist ignore stop signs.

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  4. July 08 2024

    Tank farm road is a primary thoroughfare with very long alternative routes, with a super narrow margin for cyclists. Cyclists are frequently on this road with very small margins and 65 mph traffic.

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  5. July 08 2024

    No safe bike route, especially for novice riders/kids to middle school.

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  6. July 08 2024

    No safe bike route, especially for novice riders/kids to middle school.

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  7. July 08 2024

    No safe bike route, especially for novice riders/kids to middle school.

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  8. July 08 2024

    No safe bike route to or from Madonna trail or mountain

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  9. July 08 2024

    High speed traffic w super narrow bike lane. Many close calls. (Make unocal construct damian garcia path!)

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  10. July 08 2024

    The Madonna bike path along the street is not good for cyclists or drivers. In order for drivers to see if they can pull out into traffic they have to pull into the green bike path at the various businesses with driveways through there. Please remedy

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  11. July 08 2024

    Madonna Overpass is very narrow for cyclists in both directions

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  12. July 08 2024

    cars often cut the corner and drive in the bike lane. need separation.

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  13. July 08 2024

    The trees that were planted on the new class 1 path along Madonna block westbound drivers turning right into the driveways from seeing eastbound cyclists on the bike path, leading to collision risk.

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  14. July 08 2024

    Dangerous for bikes on Margarita. Too narrow.

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  15. July 08 2024

    E-bikes and one wheels moving too fast and weaving through traffic.

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  16. July 08 2024

    I had a very close call when 1295 through the dashed green bike lane on Marsh Street next to the gas station. A large truck was turning right from Marsh St to access Hwy 101 and sped up in front of me, nearly clipping me in the dashed bike lane.

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  17. July 08 2024

    1295 from South St to Santa Barbara Ave, the traffic light sensor is not able to perceive that I am waiting for the light. I've had to wait numerous cycles, until a car is heading straight to Santa Barbara Ave, to get a green light.

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  18. July 08 2024

    1295 downhill on San Carlos Dr toward the bike path, the new fence on the corner house blocks sight lines. Cars turning the corner do not have a stop.

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  19. July 08 2024

    The new "protected" bike lanes to the right of parked cars are not safe. I have had many more close-calls with cars when using those lanes than I used to when simply taking the lane of traffic. Cars turning right or exiting driveways do not see bikes

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  20. July 08 2024

    Suggest a no right on red at Madonna to make turning left off of Bridge street safer for bikes. This will be important with the south Higuera improvements and the conversion of Bridge street into a greenway. Otherwise ped. beacon at Bridge St

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  21. July 08 2024

    Drivers rarely make complete stops.

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  22. July 08 2024

    Drivers consistently speed 20 mph over speed limit and weekly I observe drivers speeding for several blocks down the center turn lane. Enforcement would make a difference.

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  23. July 08 2024

    Highway 101 off ramp is dangerous to cross

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  24. July 08 2024

    Slip lane is dangerous to cross

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  25. July 08 2024

    driveways are not protected so the most dangerous part of this street was not addressed

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