Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. July 08 2024

    the multiuse trail needs to continue to South Higuera, this is the only gap on an otherwise safe route from Hawthorne Elementary to Laguna Middle School

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  2. July 08 2024

    Almost hit by driver running red light.

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  3. July 08 2024

    Almost hit by driver failing to stop

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  4. July 08 2024

    Almost hit by driver failing to stop

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  5. July 08 2024

    Almost hit by driver failing to stop

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  6. July 08 2024

    Car parked in protected bike lane

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  7. July 08 2024

    Private vehicle parked in protected bike lane

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  8. July 08 2024

    Private vehicle parked in bike lane

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  9. July 08 2024

    Tank farm is dangerous, but there's no other way to get from higuera to Broad. Buckley is even worse.

    Liked 2 times
  10. July 08 2024

    A wider sidewalk would help provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists to use together to get to/from downtown and the Madonna Bike path

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  11. July 08 2024

    Really appreciate Miner's letting cyclists path through here....but a path behind the business would be even nicer.

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  12. July 08 2024

    Big ask, but a separated bike path here would do wonders for less experienced bike riders that I take on scenic tours of the city when visiting. (we usually walk across...)

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  13. July 08 2024

    Separate slower bike path traffic from higher speed LOVR traffic: from Froom Ranch Way to South Higuera St

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  14. July 08 2024

    Narrow and dangerous lane for bicyclists

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  15. July 08 2024

    Dangerous intersection for through bicycling

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  16. July 08 2024

    For Bob Jones Trail Riders avoiding Higuera there should be a crosswalk with flashing lights at Elks Lane. Very dangerous to cross here.

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  17. July 08 2024

    4 way stop needed at Mill and Chorro. Trying to cross Chorro cars get into the bike lanes, visibility is not great until you're too far out. Dangerous for cars, bikers, pedestrians

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  18. July 08 2024

    Evenings & weekend mornings, Riding east on Tank Farm, at Broad St. Starting in the bike lane, to cross Broad St the light is very short, and it is red before I reach the other side. Always cars starting to go!

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  19. July 08 2024

    Riding south on Santa Rosa, at Broad signal in #2 lane to turn left (big intersection). Starting from full stop I cannot complete the turn before the light is red. Terrifying.

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  20. July 08 2024

    Tank Farm westbound in front of Kennedy Nautilus: the trees & bushes need a severe cut, I have nearly been hit several times (late afternoon/evening) by people going into and out of the first driveway.

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  21. July 08 2024

    Right turn from NB Higuera on to Suburban is dangerous for cyclists and resulted in a fatality a couple years ago. Consider moving the bike lane away from the intersection similar to SB Higuera @ LOVR & add sharrow in the right lane

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  22. July 08 2024

    Future two-way cycle tracks on Chorro have safety issues that cyclists and drivers need to be aware of. Driver left turns into streets and driveways are especially risky for cyclists.

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  23. July 08 2024

    Very scary to bike here. Lived at the top of the hill, and had many near misses with high speed drivers very close to the bike lane. Especially dangerous at night due to low light.

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  24. July 08 2024

    Drivers rarely make complete stops

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  25. July 08 2024

    This intersection has a person die last year. Recently someone was hit there, right in front of the "Autos Yield to Bikes" sign, and the Police Department listed the person on the bike as at fault. This behavior by PD is NOT Vision Zero.

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