Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. July 04 2024

    Westbound driver on Madonna blew through red light to turn right on Oceanaire, nearly killing me on my bike while crossing Madonna

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  2. July 02 2024

    Lots of young drivers and people rolling through the stop signs here, there is a crossing guard during peak school hours but there one guard for 100s of kids crossing here. As a bike commuter going through here, it is not always easy to navigate this corner and the next to turn down Marsh St- cars are often backed up from San Luis Drive to Marsh and then you have to weave through cars to turn left on Marsh.

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  3. July 02 2024

    No Bike Lane on Osos and narrow road here- not always enough room for cars to leave 3 feet.

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  4. July 02 2024

    No sidewalk and no shoulder- but lots of bikers!
    Need designated trail or bike lane for pedestrians to get from Los Osos to MDO.

    Liked 2 times
  5. July 02 2024

    This intersection is at the end of a bike-way, but there is no crosswalk- we often see people running across the street (or biking) but it is on a curve and cars go fast- maybe a crosswalk with a signal here?
    People use this route to get to Sinsheimer (school, park, pool, etc), and the railroad safety trail.
    The next closest cross-walk is all the way at the corner of Laurel and Johnson (because there is also no crosswalk at Johnsons and Orcutt)

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  6. June 30 2024

    This section of roadway on Osage Street, between Mesa and Eucalyptus is a race track. This street needs a stop sign and speed bumps. It seems to be
    65 mph is the average for this roadway. I have seen car's drag racing, and motorcycles doing wheelies.Please help...

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  7. June 26 2024

    Mallagh St is a main access point to Nipomo HS and New Tech HS with a pedestrian bridge at the end of the street. However there are no sidewalks or bike lanes on Mallagh making it an unsafe route to school. This area also gets congested when parents use it as a drop off point. It is also prone to flooding since there is limited drainage infrastructure here.

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  8. June 26 2024

    This is an important school crosswalk to get to Nipomo Elementary School. Vehicles coming from the Southeast just entering town often do not slow down having been traveling 45 MPH or faster. A rapid flashing beacon crosswalk or similar improvements would make it safer for students to get to school.

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  9. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking. Instead of providing a safe pedestrian crossing across Madonna between the neighborhood and the shopping center, the city simply put "no pedestrian crossing" signs up, even though no one is going to walk all the way to a signal to go across

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  10. June 26 2024

    Safe for walking and biking. New protected bikeway feels safe to travel on

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  11. June 26 2024

    Hazard for biking. People drive very fast. There is a class II bike lane but it does little to create a sense of safety with people driving fast and passing people of bike closely. This would be a good area for protected bike lanes.

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  12. June 26 2024

    Hazard for biking. Many cars are traveling at 50MPH or faster and frequently enter into the bike lane or give insufficient passing space to people on bikes. Many drivers are in a rush and are distracted.

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  13. June 26 2024

    Safe for walking. This is for the Madonna Bike path (not shown on map). Combination of low noise asphalt on US 101 and separation from the hwy make it a really quiet and pleasant place to go for a run or a ride. Good low stress route and connectivity to areas to the southwest are under construction

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  14. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking. There is just no sidewalk and the oncoming traffic is moving very fast. Needs to be an extension of the sidewalk

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  15. June 26 2024

    Hazard for all modes. Each day there are numerous near ped/bike tragedies as well as car/car crashed due to high speeds and poor ped/bike infrastructure. Access to transit is also limited because crossing the street is so difficult and not supported by infrastructure.

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  16. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking and biking. This could be a major pedestrian/bike asset but high speeds and car volumes create a dangerous environment. Also, there are no crossings for pedestrians/bikes along the entire stretch.

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  17. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking and biking. Although still in a residential area, this 4 lane road remains extremely busy at most times of day, without any sort of pedestrian bridge, crosswalk or intersection, rendering it nearly impossible to cross safely as a pedestrian or cyclist.

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  18. June 26 2024

    Safe for walking and biking.

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  19. June 26 2024

    Hazard for biking. This steep, hilly road is not recommended for biking. I used to ride on it every day, as I lived at the top of the hill and had several close encounters with large, speeding trucks. There is a bike lane, but it's sloped inward toward the curb and in poor condition. Slower but safer to go south of terrace hill on the bike route by the train tracks.

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  20. June 26 2024

    Hazard for biking. Motor vehicles will honk at me.

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  21. June 26 2024

    Safe for walking and biking.

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  22. June 26 2024

    Safe for all modes. The street is super wide so it's nice to have room to bike in the street or walk on the sidewalk and not have it get overcrowded.

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  23. June 26 2024

    Safe for all modes. Family neighborhood.

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  24. June 26 2024

    Hazard for riding in vehicle. There is a hill here, making it difficult to see what is coming your way when going up or down.

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  25. June 26 2024

    Hazard for walking.

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