Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. April 14 2024

    The shoulder between here and South Bay is too narrow for cyclists and has too many rough spots (so harder to stay in a straight line). Also, the area is denser so more cross-traffic cyclists need to watch for instead of focusing on the shoulder obstacles

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  2. April 14 2024

    Following the death of Michael Brito here, where a driver was going 46 mph in a 40 mph zone, I wrote the county asking for a lowering of the speed limit. They said the speed limit was fine and it took many years for it to be adjusted. There should be speed bumps in LOVR, this is a residential street not a freeway.

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  3. April 14 2024

    Please do not create bike ?channels? such as SLO City has on Chorro and Santa Barbara. They dangerously limit escape maneuvers for cyclists and drivers alike. And they make it difficult to safely pass slower cyclists or pedestrians. Better to widen the shoulders in narrow sections and add a painted spacing divider as done from Turri Road north. They also trap debris and prevent street sweeping.

    Rumble strips are tough for cyclists to cross when passing, such as those on Edna Valley Road, fyi.

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  4. April 14 2024

    Bike lane request. I have biked into Montana de Oro hundreds of times but know many will not because there is no dedicated bike lane. I have had countless close calls, nearly getting hit.

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  5. April 14 2024

    I have crossed this crosswalks countless times and people regularly do not yield to pedestrians. Speed bumps and blinking lights should be here and around Monarch Elementary.

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  6. April 14 2024

    Cars speed on LOVR and are causing close calls for those entering LOVR from Pine Street.

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  7. April 14 2024

    No dedicated walkway for pedestrians has been a reason not to walk into town. There needs to be a separate lane for walking.

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  8. April 14 2024

    The road needs to become 4 (or 5 including center left turn lane) lanes for the entire segment, plus proper shoulder/bike lane. Perhaps Los Osos needs different bike path infrastructure in the built up area for kids, but LOVR for most of this segment does not need a segregated MUP or physical barriers. It does need wide & clean shoulders/ bike lanes with rumble strips on the fog line, not 2-3 feet onto the shoulder.

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  9. April 13 2024

    Protected bike lanes would be great! I ride LOVR and it always feels dangerous. I?m particularly concerned about driver inattention and distractions (e.g. cell phones).

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  10. April 13 2024

    Make a bike lane completely separate from the roadway. Use the Bob Jones Bike Trail as an example. With autos going 55+ how much protection is a curb anyway?

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  11. April 13 2024

    Another reason for a dedicated bike long is because at certain times of the year cars are driving directly into the setting (and perhaps rising) sun, limiting driver visibility with glare and/or driver's having to make efforts not to look into the sun. It presents a recipe for a tragedy.

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  12. April 13 2024

    I have been riding LOVR and Highway 1 to and from Los Osos for 30 years. I am happy with the width of the ?bike lanes? and feel relatively safe riding in part of the road that have long sight lines. I ride with a very bright blinking tail light and, on my recumbent trike, a colorful flag as well. I would love to see round a bouts at Foothill and Southbay, however I dislike the method of diverting bikes into a separate bike lane. Cyclists should ?take the lane? instead as I do in Morro Bay.

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  13. April 13 2024

    As the community plan and ITP continue to move forward and we (hopefully) see continued development, additional consideration should be put into addressing the road capacity. A second lane would be more beneficial for the work force than a bike lane serving a single digit average of riders a day. This is a prime example of the failures of the State to reasonably implement VMT / SB 743. County of Marin has several tangible examples of these failures that ultimately affect the workforce commute.

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  14. April 13 2024

    Encourage a community area including making it easier to have retail and restaurant ideas. Incentives for developers and businesses to come here but not create a tourist trap. Keep the low key feel but revitalize. The area is a treasure for all of the county

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  15. April 13 2024

    Don?t all the big trailers go park on the roads. They take up 3 parking spaces. Recommend to improve parking areas for pedestrians. Consider parking in close areas and more trails to beach - perhaps airport area or downtown with walkways. This creates more interest in all of Oceano and opens connections. It?s for the community too!

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  16. April 13 2024

    Connect and add trails to beaches, downtown and even Grover. Make more recreation and biking options and pathways.

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  17. April 13 2024

    Add a welcome art or archway here or at intersection to pier and US1.

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  18. April 13 2024

    Add a center divider wall to eliminate crossover head on collision dmager

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  19. April 13 2024

    LOVR has too many head-on collisions. Lower speed limit would help reduce severity of the accidents, but the only real solution is a center divider to keep drivers from veering into oncoming traffic.

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  20. April 12 2024

    Treat this whole stretch like it's in town. Sidewalks, bike path, slower speed limit. Posted 35 MPH is too fast, and no fun to walk beside.

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  21. April 12 2024

    Re 25 MPH speed limit, The 35 MPH sign by the Post Office is badly placed - drivers see it from the Chase Bank 1 block west and say, Oh, 35 is fine HERE. The big wide turn lane is not friendly for pedestrians, and looks as if wide open for snow plowing! I feel compelled to drive between errands because parking on the east side and crossing to the businesses opposite (or vice versa) is no fun. 25 MPH plus narrower street, real turn lanes, would respect the whole business district.

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  22. April 12 2024

    This big dip in LOVR is fairly dense with houses, churches, farm stands and a working farm; it should be 45 not 55 MPH, starting east of the dip.

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  23. April 11 2024

    In general, it seems like Los Osos already has too many traffic lights. This light at Palisades is the worst (as a previous commenter pointed out, cars coming on Palisades immediately trigger the light, even if they are making a right turn), and I believe it is not necessary. I'm no traffic engineer, only a driver of 40 years, but I could see this light easily being replaced with stop signs on Palisades. Save the electricity and 86 this light.

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  24. April 11 2024

    How about a sidewalk on Doris? Lot's of children use Doris going to and coming from school.

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  25. April 06 2024

    I live near Mill and Toro and it's scary. In the last month , while walking my pups , I've had 2 close calls. People going too fast and not paying attention. Also at least 2 or 3 horns blast and I just wait for the crash - it will come. Not able

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