Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”
Delivery truck parked in protected bike lane
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Doesn't feel safe to bike
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Southbound motorist on Broad St nearly clipped me on my bike when he/she turned into the carwash.
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The crosswalk on Pecho at the entrance to Vista De Oro needs a blinking light for pedestrian crossing. Cars often don't see people crossing especially when there is a vehicle in the left hand turn lane.
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Need safe bicycle trail on side of road to ride to the beach
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A few years back, there was a project to remove utility poles / wire from LOVR. The project ended at South Bay Blvd. (in Los Osos).
I would like to see utility poles removed from South Bay Blvd. to MDO.
Also, There is a needs to be a sidewalk from the South Bay Community Center (Palisades Ave) to Monarch Grove Elementary.
Last, The two cross-walks in the commercial district of Los Osos are outdated and need up upgrade similar to cross-walks on Foothill in SLO. Very, very dangerous as-is!Liked 0 times -
Repair or replace the sidewalks. They are old, cracked and and not wide enough.
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Crossing LOVR on Madonna, most "close calls" have occurred with cars making a right turn on red from Madonna to LOVR at the corner closest to the gas station and almost hitting pedestrians, I've also seen close calls from left turners from other way
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Several comments have referenced the need for a safe path between Doris and Palisades. A multi-use path on the north side of LOVR was included in the County Bike Ways Plan as well as the LO Community Plan. Please make this a priority.
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Car crash
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Buena vista and Loomis street
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Mulituse trail is soooo much safer than crossing all the driveways on the otherside of Madonna, it is also well used and easy for bikes to pass pedestrians and other bikes
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Speed limit should be 35 MPH all the way to South Bay Blvd.
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Speed Limit should be 35 all the way to Clark Valley Road - we all know that would mean people would be going at least 45. More speed enforcement please!
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25 MPH speed limit should start at South Bay and continue all the way through MDO.
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Lower the speed limit all the way to Los Osos, there really is no need to drive that fast! It is dangerous and people rarely follow the speed limit and those that do get harassed by tailgaters.
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I work at Clearwater Color Nursery and have seen two horrible accidents near here in less than a year. It is so dangerous to turn left onto and off LOVR here! There must be some left hand turn lanes or other solutions applied to reduce death and injury along this road all the way to Foothill.
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So many horrible accidents along this stretch of LOVR, a number of them fatal. The speed limit is too high, we all know that if it is 55 people are going to push that to 65. Please slow it down.
There is now safe way for people to turn left into their properties of visit ag businesses. Enough deaths and injuries.Liked 0 times -
Leaving MDO, drivers encounter a straight road, a 40mph speed zone and a downhill slope. Many drivers accelerate too much. The speed is too high for safety at the Rodman intersection. Note that 99% of traffic on this road is to access a state park with a 25mph speed limit.
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Pecho Road needs shoulders/bike lanes because of increased traffic and speeding and/or distracted motorists. A less expensive idea is bike safety turnouts already in use at Mount Diablo State Park. These turnouts allow bicyclists as they pedal uphill to pull out of the main traffic lane into their own lane so motorists can pass safely. More information is available at Bicyclists need protection from motorists who ignore the 3-foot-for-safety law.
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The speed limit on Pecho up through MDO should not be 40MPH. Many cyclists use this road and the lack of shoulder along with the high speed limit creates a safety issue. It should be 25 to 30 MPH throughout the park.
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A left turn lane is needed at this corner. Cars that are turning left create a stack of cars behind. Often times the cars that are behind use the bike lane to go around which creates an unsafe path for bikes and pedestrians.
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A class one multi-use path is included in the Los Osos Community Plan as well as the County Bikeways plan, from Palisades to Doris on the North side of LOVR. I would like to see this a priority when budgeting for street improvements and upgrades for safer transportation on LOVR.
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The Turnaround at intersection of Tankfarm Rd. and Orcutt is EXTREMLY DANGEROUS. distracted drivers enter turnaround at high speeds, running thru crosswalks. Need allowed speed signs
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Right hook/near miss - driver not watching while the leading pedestrian interval was going.
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