Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. April 06 2024

    Very dangerous intersection. See and hear near misses everyday with cars and pedestrians, need traffic calming like a roundabout or stopsigns in all directions. Cars on Mill drive too fast and cause safety concerns for vehicles and pedestrians.

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  2. April 05 2024

    This is an extremely dangerous intersection with numerous near misses every day. Just saw a head on collision there today. There should be a roundabout here.

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  3. April 04 2024

    The new bike line modification makes it nearly impossible to see oncoming traffic when pulling out of 550 Higuera St. I've seen collisions and near collisions because the visibility is so bad. This particular day I saw a bad accident in this area.

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  4. April 02 2024

    Add pedestrian sidewalks where they are not currently available.

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  5. March 30 2024

    More pedestrian and wider walkways

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  6. March 25 2024

    This crosswalk needs to be improved. Potentially like the newer ones with red lights that are on Foothill Blvd. as you head West on Foothill towards LOVR. Drivers often do not stop for pedestrians at this intersection because it is just a flashing yellow and not a forced stop.

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  7. March 25 2024

    A wide, safe and protected bike/pedestrian path is needed (the style where the lane is protected and cars park between traffic and the bike/pedestrian path). Ideally it would be the stretch of LOVR from Foothill to Montana de Oro, but initially from Lariat to Pecho would be great.

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  8. March 25 2024

    Too decrease speeding from South Bay to Foothill another stop light long this stretch maybe at Turri or Clark Valley maybe.

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  9. March 25 2024

    Along this stretch a center divider with 2 lanes in each direction would be ideal. There have been too many accidents on this road.

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  10. March 18 2024

    In order to reduce the speed of cars in this section of Los Osos Valley Road from South Bay BLVD to Eto Lane, the road needs a planted median with formal pedestrian crossings and hard turning lanes.

    The open view across all (4) lanes of traffic causes drivers to think they should travel faster than they should. Similar to the Ralphs area, or Laguna Lake district in SLO, a planted median would automatically decrease traffic by reducing the "openness" of the road.

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  11. March 06 2024

    Delivery truck parked in protected bike lane

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  12. March 05 2024

    Doesn't feel safe to bike

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  13. March 04 2024

    Southbound motorist on Broad St nearly clipped me on my bike when he/she turned into the carwash.

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  14. March 01 2024

    The crosswalk on Pecho at the entrance to Vista De Oro needs a blinking light for pedestrian crossing. Cars often don't see people crossing especially when there is a vehicle in the left hand turn lane.

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  15. February 28 2024

    Need safe bicycle trail on side of road to ride to the beach

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  16. February 21 2024

    A few years back, there was a project to remove utility poles / wire from LOVR. The project ended at South Bay Blvd. (in Los Osos).
    I would like to see utility poles removed from South Bay Blvd. to MDO.
    Also, There is a needs to be a sidewalk from the South Bay Community Center (Palisades Ave) to Monarch Grove Elementary.
    Last, The two cross-walks in the commercial district of Los Osos are outdated and need up upgrade similar to cross-walks on Foothill in SLO. Very, very dangerous as-is!

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  17. February 13 2024

    Repair or replace the sidewalks. They are old, cracked and and not wide enough.

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  18. February 05 2024

    Crossing LOVR on Madonna, most "close calls" have occurred with cars making a right turn on red from Madonna to LOVR at the corner closest to the gas station and almost hitting pedestrians, I've also seen close calls from left turners from other way

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  19. February 05 2024

    Several comments have referenced the need for a safe path between Doris and Palisades. A multi-use path on the north side of LOVR was included in the County Bike Ways Plan as well as the LO Community Plan. Please make this a priority.

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  20. February 05 2024

    Car crash

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  21. February 04 2024

    Buena vista and Loomis street

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  22. February 01 2024

    Mulituse trail is soooo much safer than crossing all the driveways on the otherside of Madonna, it is also well used and easy for bikes to pass pedestrians and other bikes

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  23. January 22 2024

    Speed limit should be 35 MPH all the way to South Bay Blvd.

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  24. January 22 2024

    Speed Limit should be 35 all the way to Clark Valley Road - we all know that would mean people would be going at least 45. More speed enforcement please!

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  25. January 22 2024

    25 MPH speed limit should start at South Bay and continue all the way through MDO.

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