Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. January 01 2024

    Drivers speeding and not providing sufficient passing distance

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  2. January 01 2024

    Drivers dont stop or stop well beyond stop bar

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  3. January 01 2024

    Drivers fail to stop or stop beyond stop bar from side street...including police officers.

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  4. January 01 2024

    Drivers fail to stop or properly yield.

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  5. January 01 2024

    Excessive acceleration & noise exiting out of the Islay Hill Park roundabout with a problematic line-of-site issues at the top of Oructt Rd. creating unsafe conditions for drivers exiting Hansen Ln & Parsons Way.

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  6. January 01 2024


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  7. January 01 2024

    Cars often speed through this street to cut-through. Residential access roads like these should be redesigned for a design speed of <15MPH.

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  8. January 01 2024

    This 4-way stop is constantly a mess. Would prefer a roundabout here.

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  9. January 01 2024

    Add Self-Cleaning Public Restrooms to Transit Center Along with Fixing the Real-Time Displays for Buses. Both are desperately needed

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  10. January 01 2024

    This connection between Morro and the Railroad Parking lot is excellent.

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  11. January 01 2024

    A multiuse path needs to be added between Stoneridge and Lawrence, the only gap in a safe route to Hawthorne Elementary

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  12. January 01 2024

    Having a separated route for people to ride bikes is safe and this route is very well used by people of all ages

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  13. January 01 2024

    The pedestrian signal has been helpful.

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  14. January 01 2024

    Railroad Safety Trail

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  15. January 01 2024

    Class 1 path

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  16. January 01 2024

    Bike path behind CHP avoids onramp/offramp traffic on CA Blvd.

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  17. January 01 2024

    Stop sign added to Pismo direction.

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  18. January 01 2024

    Walkway from Target to Oceanaire

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  19. January 01 2024

    Bicycle (me) vs car pulling out of driveway/turning into driveway. New protected bike lane in this area constrains cyclists from taking evasive action. I have nearly hit 3 cars now between Nipomo and March on Higuera.

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  20. January 01 2024

    Bicycle vs ped. Twice I have nearly collided with pedestrians as they exit vehicles without looking or suddenly walk off the sidewalk without looking. Protected bike lane prevents cyclists from making evasive maneuver

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  21. January 01 2024

    My favorite part of my day is commuting on the path past the Madonna Inn.

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  22. January 01 2024

    Please prioritize better/wider bike lane and traffic calming along Tank Farm. This is one of the least comfortable roads to ride on connecting major housing developments.

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  23. January 01 2024

    Light coming out of the airport won't trigger for bikes alone, leading to the need to risk it and go on a red light when there is a gap in traffic.

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  24. January 01 2024

    No safe way to continue southbound along Higuera on a big. Forced to take left lane starting at South St with many cars zipping around

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  25. January 01 2024

    Well-designed roundabout! Correct size, good signage, well-light at night, great landscaping & art. Great job SLO Team! Design more of these.

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