Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. August 20 2023

    There?s needs to be concrete barricades along this entire strip for bicyclists and runners. Distracted drivers veer into bike lanes all the time. I?ve personally been missed multiple times by drivers going 65+ mph.

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  2. August 20 2023

    This is where the unchecked speeding begins on LOVR and no amount of attempted mitigation will replace an increased police presence to start seriously writing tickets to speeding offenders.

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  3. August 20 2023

    You need a separated bike path from SLO to Spooner's Cove. There are WAY TOO MANY choke points where riding bikes is very dangerous. Even on LOVR where there is a wide lane, a friend was hit and lost his leg in the not too distant past. If we really want people on bikes, we need to make it safe and thus enjoyable.

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  4. August 19 2023

    a proper bike lane/path should be included in the new plan. Either a barricade between cyclists autos or at the very least, a wider bike lane. This should be from MDO statepark all the way to SLO. this would be good for people to cycle commute into and from SLL and also up into the MDO park safely. thank you

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  5. August 19 2023

    Sidewalk needed here!!!

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  6. August 19 2023

    This is a really dangerous intersection for pedestrians. Cars speed through this area and have run red lights while students are entering the crosswalk. The crossing guards have nearly been hit by cars here.

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  7. August 19 2023

    Separate bike lane needed all along LOVR. This is the approximate location of the 10/6/23 accident where a dui driver hit me on my bike, causing a 6 week hospitalization and the amputation of my left leg. The driver is now serving a one year jail sentence, and I am a bicyclist with a prosthetic leg.

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  8. August 19 2023

    Pecho Road to MDO DESPARATELY needs AT LEAST a bike lane; there is no shoulder. A separate bike lane would be better!

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  9. August 19 2023

    This segment between South Bay and 9th is a perfect candidate for complete street & safety improvements. Please consider:
    - Road diet (5 to 3 lanes) between Oceanview and 9th
    - Landscaped median w/ ped refuges at x-ings
    - Wider sidewalks w/ street trees and bulbouts at ped crossings
    - Increased separation/protection for bike lanes
    - Enhance unsignalized ped x-ings (RRFBs, PHBs, Raised Speed Tables)

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  10. August 19 2023

    Corridor-wide comment: In absence of crash data, here are corridor-wide safety recommendations:
    - Provide center turn lanes at all intersections and driveways with moderate traffic level
    - Provide raised medians along mid-block segments or striped medians w/ rumble strips
    - Rumble strips along shoulders/bike lanes
    - Add separated ped/bike facilities
    - Roundabout at LOVR/Foothill
    - Road diet on between Oceanview and 9th.

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  11. August 19 2023

    Consider realigning north leg of Paradise Lane to align with southern leg. There was a fatal crash here recently

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  12. August 19 2023

    Please include plans for some form of separated bicycle & pedestrian facility on LOVR between the City of SLO City Limits and Los Osos.

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  13. August 19 2023

    Please consider a roundabout for this intersection, as this likely provides the highest level of operational and safety improvement and could likely compete well for regional/state/federal grant opportunities.

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  14. August 18 2023

    This on ramp would be much more useful if it was longer so cars could have more time to get up to speed before merging. I don't know if anything could be done about that, with the space available. As it is, I often avoid this on ramp and choose San Anselmo, particularly if traffic looks a little heavier on 101.

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  15. August 18 2023

    Someone already made a comment, but in addition to 'liking' it I'd like to echo it here since I care a lot about this: I'd love to see a dedicated bike path or safe way for bikes and/or foot traffic to connect Templeton to Atascadero, without needing to get on 101. With the sharper curves it feels even more dangerous to bike on the freeway through that stretch.

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  16. August 18 2023

    We walked to the Oaks Preserve the other day. Doing so we felt very exposed to the speeding traffic. We easily felt the gusts from the passing cars on our clothing.

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  17. August 17 2023

    I think it's time to consider a Class 1 bike path/multi-use between SLO and Los Osos. We are seeing more and more folks bike between SLO and Los Osos and the speeds along LOVR are often freeway speeds. Bicycling along this section of LOVR is nerve racking during am commute hours. When the express bus service was eliminated I stopped riding my bike to SLO in AM. I never rode in the PM since the grade is uphill all the way back and into the wind, the bus service was a nice compliment to commute

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  18. August 17 2023

    As part of a road diet strategy there could be potentially enough cross section width to reduce lane widths or eliminate a lane to allow for a multi-use path between S Bay Blvd and 9th Street. I know am/pm volumes are high, however do we really need 4-lanes of traffic in this segment of LOVR?

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  19. August 17 2023

    I understand that the ridership for the Express bus that ran between SLO and LO was low and that's the reason the service was stopped. However if there is a desire to promote a mode shift, service like this is essential if you want commuters to get out of their vehicles, I personally stopped taking transit when this service was eliminated. Should the service be provided it would be good to consider bike capacity on the bus, we often had to race to the bus to make sure that our bike made it on.

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  20. August 17 2023

    For additional traffic calming and reduction of distance for ped crossings please consider bulb outs at the signalized intersections in the corridor. The intersection improvements on LOVR near Home Depot and Target come to mind to allow both ped/bike movements across the 4+ lanes of traffic

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  21. August 17 2023

    This section of LOVR between Fairchild Way and 9th street could use a road diet. Even with the RFB near the shopping center, speeds are entirely too high to allow for pedestrian crossing to be safe. Ideally a similar pedestrian refuge that is near the Ralphs shopping center with left turn pockets would be beneficial to provide traffic calming and refuge for pedestrians if they make a mid-block crossing.

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  22. August 16 2023

    Avoid the use of the confusing green painted bike lanes placed between car parking lanes and sidewalks as has been done in downtown SLO and on Madonna Rd.

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  23. August 16 2023

    I like the new double white lines and what appears to be an expanded shoulder/ bike lane. A rumble strip would be a great addition.

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  24. August 16 2023

    I love the merge lane onto LOVR from Foothill, but I am a little concerned about the driver who stops in mid-merge. Keep the merge lane.

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  25. August 16 2023

    Their used to be an RTA express bus route down LOVR

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