Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. August 15 2023

    Please do not widen this road for the sake of infrequent traffic, I regularly drive on the road and significant traffic is rare. We would better spend our money and space investing in a viable transit route or better bicycle protection in this space.

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  2. August 15 2023

    Transit from Los Osos is nearly unusable. I would love to be able to take the bus for half of a bus/bike trip, but the headways are incredibly long and the routing through Morro Bay both directions is inconvenient. Los Osos should have a realistic transit option to SLO.

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  3. August 15 2023

    I regularly ride my bike and walk to the stores here and it is an unpleasant experience. We dedicate a huge amount of land to automotive use, signaling to drivers that it is OK to drive fast here, then put up signs saying 25mph and ask them to comply. We should reimagine the LOVR corridor to separate vehicles from other uses and to prioritize pedestrians and cycles.

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  4. August 15 2023

    Cars frequently use this route to access Bayview Heights and Highland. Any calming measures on LOVR should consider and prevent/mitigate traffic being pushed to these residential roads.

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  5. August 15 2023

    Parking is limited and vehicles are often parked on the street which leads to drivers passing folks getting out of their vehicles at high speed. Providing additional parking and the removal of parking along this corridor would increase safety.

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  6. August 15 2023

    Passing on blind turns is frequent, significant road improvements would be warranted (especially as the road is slowly failing bit by bit), but signage to discourage passing on blind turns at a minimum would help.

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  7. August 15 2023

    I ride my bike into MDO from Los Osos and riding up this road can be frightening! Last time I rode into the park a pedestrian remarked to me that we need a protected bike lane and pedestrian path and I agree!

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  8. August 15 2023

    There should be a walking path for pedestrians along this area. It is unsafe for families and elderly to walk to the community center, library, or local shopping.

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  9. August 15 2023

    The merge lane does not need to go but expanded. If the turn lane started its turn earlier it can be pulled away from the LOVR traffic lane and allow a more typical onramp style merge lane to be created. This will be safer for drivers on LOVR and those merging on to LOVR and to bicyclists. The fewer decisions that drivers must make or obstacles they need to track at one time the safer the intersection will be.

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  10. August 15 2023

    Cyclists from San Luis Obispo would ride into Los Osos and Baywood to dine, drink and recreate much more if LOVR were made safer for bikes. With the growth of e-bikes, even more people would probably make the short trek in the future.

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  11. August 15 2023

    Frequently Los Osos bound vehicles will use the right turn lane before the Foothill intersection to bypass the signal. Without stopping vehicles will take the right turn lane on to Foothill, jump straight across Foothill and then re-enter LOVR via the Foothill to LOVR merge lane.

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  12. August 15 2023

    Mountain bikers come off of Islay Creek Road on to LOVR to get to the trail head parking lot.. It is a narrow road on a hill with a blind curve. There needs to be a shoulder or trail for bikers, equestrians and hikers to get to the trail head parking lot.

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  13. August 15 2023

    I strongly suggest a dedicated bike path physically separated from traffic by either grass or a fence. This will allow families to safely take their children on the bike path. It has the potential to increase bike commuter use and allow county residents as well as tourists to engage in a healthful outdoor activity.

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  14. August 15 2023

    Why is there no RTA service down LOVR? It makes taking the bus from SLO to Los Osos (via Morro Bay) take too long to be useful.

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  15. August 15 2023

    Please provide a marked crosswalk across the road at Rodman to protect pedestrians

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  16. August 15 2023

    Please provide protected bike lanes so it is safer for cyclists and will encourage more bikes to use this road.

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  17. August 15 2023

    If nothing else, a left-turn pocket in this stretch would be extremely helpful. Folks stopping in-lane to left turn is hazardous for traffic as well as cyclists (when cars use the bike lane to go around the stopped traffic).

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  18. August 14 2023

    I agree with the comments that more needs to be done to make LOVR more pedestrian (and bike) friendly from Doris to South Bay (lower speeds, better crosswalks, protected bike lanes, bike racks, etc.).

    I do not like the signalized crossings for pedestrians with the flashing yellow and red lights in SLO, however. What does it mean, "flashing red, proceed with caution?" Am I required to stop? Will others stop? The rules of these things are indecipherable.

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  19. August 14 2023

    Requesting safety crossing with flashing lights for pedestrians, equestrians etc on Pecho Road around Rodman area. It has become extremely dangerous for horses to cross due to excessive speed and/or inattention.

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  20. August 14 2023

    Reduce speed on curves and provide flashing lights and Safety crossing on Pecho Road at Rodman or nearby so that equestrians/horses can safely cross over to access established trails to and within MDO. It has become extremely hazardous to do so.

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  21. August 14 2023

    There is not a safe sidewalk on the south side of LOVR/Pecho along the entire corridor from 9th st. all the way through to Rodman and there really should be.

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  22. August 14 2023

    There is really no safe sidewalk option on the south side of LOVR between 9th and Palisades.

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  23. August 14 2023

    It doesn?t look like my prior comment was captured.
    LOVR is the primary emergency evacuation route for Los Osos. Whatever new multimodal design is considered to separate vehicles from bikes and pedestrians must be flexible to convert to efficient evacuation?primarily by vehicles.

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  24. August 13 2023

    This needs to be a roundabout. Its the most obvious roundabout in the area. I live on Oconnor way and I travel this multiple times a day. The lights cause congestion, traffic, extra greenhouse gas, air pollution. Adding a protected class III bike lane for bikers would be great too. Bring the lights down. The Level of Service on these lights must be terrible too.

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  25. August 13 2023

    There are no public electric vehicle chargers in Los Osos. Serious limitation.

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