Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”
We need a crosswalk and a blinking crosswalk sign here. People driving into and out of MDO are driving way too fast on this blind curve in the road. It is dangerous to cross here, we have to step out into the road to see if it is safe to cross (many times it is not), yet we don't have any other options.
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How were the Class II bike lanes be established where no provision for pedestrians without actually walking in the lane.
I believe walking or driving in Class II bike lanes is illegal except for crossing over?like into a driveway or crosswalk.Liked 0 times -
A paved path from at least the mobile home parks to South Bay Blvd. is sorely needed for safety reasons. I believe it would be utilized by many, especially if it was smooth enough for bikes & mobility scooters. I've had to walk that stretch several times out of necessity and it can be quite unnerving with the speeding traffic. There are approx.400 senior homes here so probably over 1000 bodies that could potentially walk, bike & scooter to do errands. Good for our health & the planet's.
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Approx.400 homes w/ probably 2x as many drivers/cars that pull into speeding traffic from these "senior" mobilehome parks. Plus visitors, delivery traffic, etc. is just a lot of traffic in one very small concentrated area. LOVR westbound traffic mostly traveling @50-60+mph & eastbound almost as bad. Also center turn lane can get congested & tricky at times. The high density housing w/ vehicles @this location + the age demographic + the speed limit...dangerous! PLEASE REDUCE SPEED LIMIT
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Have seen many parents speeding to pick up their kids at Monarch. I have seen some towns have a temporary (or maybe should be permanent) traffic control delineator set in place along LOVR near the school.
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The signs near this corner including but not limited to but especially the State Park sign and speed limit signs has created a blind spot for (especially) byclists traveling downhill at this location. Under just the right (bad) circumstances a vehicle cannot see the byclists and can then turn in front of them onto Rodman. I have asked county roads already to move these signs but have been denied repeatedly. Guess it might take a death.
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Highly problematic area. Either a stop light or stop signs needed here. If not-a right-hand turn lane is needed for Pine St as people are driving too fast and one needs to make sure you are not rear-ended here when turning. Also, people drive into the newer added median there to pass going west. Dangerous intersection.
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The "Reduced Speed Limit Ahead" signs should be added all along LOVR when speeds change to inform drivers of a reduced speed zone ahead by more than 10 mph changes.
This may make some people pay more attention. I see these signs in most small towns I travel in.Liked 0 times -
The attached photo is the view from the right-side corner of Rodman looking north onto Pecho Rd. It's a blind curve at a designated street crossing point. Drivers speed by on their way to MDO unaware that there may be people and animals crossing here. Drivers coming from MDO are going downhill with slightly better visibility. A crosswalk with flashing lights should be placed on the left-side corner of Rodman to provide everyone with a safer crossing.
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Five residents/one business are situated along Paradise Ln. Whenever residents, delivery vehicles and patrons make left turns, it halts traffic both East and West, resulting in an unsafe condition. Almost everyone uses the bike lane as a passing lane when turning in. Most residents on this street have been in a major accident while attempting to enter or exit Paradise lane. One month ago a young girl was severely injured. Therefore, the consideration of a turning lane is absolutely warranted.
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The timing on the traffic signal at Palisades should be set for LOVR predominance so that through traffic will not have to stop so often (perhaps time of day dependent) for cross traffic AND for so long. The flow is already regulated well by signals at 10th and 9th street. For example, to stop going west at 9th and LOVR then have to stop again at Palisades is impratical and creates more start and stop auto polution.
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A multi-use path for bikes and pedestrians is needed from South Bay Blvd to Spooners Cove. If we want to get people out of their cars we need to make sure there is a safe and pleasant alternative. Thanks!
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A pedestrian / bicycle trail from 4th and Ramona to the Library and Community Center would really improve access for the Baywood Community and encourage people to walk or cycle when visiting the Library or Community Center. Cycling or walking from Baywood to the Libary is very difficult and not safe for children or inexperienced cyclists.
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An Express bus from Los Osos to SLO would be great. I would use the service and bring my bike to get around in SLO. The current service is just not practical.
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A protected (physical separation) bicycle lane is needed all along LOVR.
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A pedestrian / bicycle trail from 4th and Ramona to the Library and Community Center would really improve access for the Baywood Community and encourage people to walk or cycle when visiting those areas.
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The segment of the corridor is unsafe for drivers, cyclists, equestrians, walkers, and wildlife. This is largely due to the confusing speed limit signs that have been placed on Pecho Rd. from Seawind Way into Montana de Oro State Park. First of all, the general speed limit of 40 MPH is grossly excessive for the road design and conditions. This speed is then reduced by unintelligible signage at four points on this short stretch of road. A maximum speed of 25-30 mph is reasonable and safe here.
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Put in a Class IV Bike Path from Foothill Blvd to Los Osos Creek. There is plenty of room for it!
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Make LOVR two lanes both ways from Foothill Blvd to Los Osos Creek.
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LOVR needs dedicated sidewalks fro 9th Street to Doris St. Safety of the kids going to and from the school is of prime importance, but they would also provide more safety to all who walk along that too busy road, I would suggest reducing the speed limit to 35.
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LOVR needs to be widened from SLO to South Bay Blvd, the road should be wide enough for 2 lanes of traffic in each direction, with enough space on either side of the road bed for vehicles to pull over and safely park. There should also be a wide bike lane in each direction, there s/b a center divider as there is on Highway 1 from SLO to Morro Bay, and dedicated turns lane to the few roads that require them, not every road to a farm.
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LOVR lacks a sense of place; there should be a gateway marker of some sort to let people know they are entering Los Osos - Farmers Market
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Add more landscaping in the median and plant more trees - Farmers Market
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Parked cars in the street make biking difficult - Farmers Market
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Add a traffic signal at Pine Ave - it is difficult to get out onto LOVR - Farmers Market
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