Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. August 16 2023

    Many people walk and bike along this road all the way up to Montana de Oro, I think a walking/biking trail along one side would make this area much safer and more accessible.

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  2. August 16 2023

    From the Camp Keep parking lot (S. Dune Trail) to the Hazard Canyon Trail: Equestrians are not allowed on S. Dune and must ride the road between the parking lot and Hazard Cyn trail. It is not very safe and cars don't always slow down. A safe side trail would be great.

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  3. August 16 2023

    Apply camera assisted traffic ticket enforcement for motorists traveling too fast, too slow or too close to other vehicles, including policing agencies who seem always travel faster than limits allow.

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  4. August 16 2023

    We need rumble strips along the entire corridor, but most importantly along this long, straight section. I have been nearly missed several times by texting drivers. Why on earth was this not done when the road was recently re-stripped?

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  5. August 15 2023

    A middle turn lane to fill the gap between the traffic signal & Monarch Grove.

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  6. August 15 2023

    Should be 4 lanes from Foothill to Los Osos Creek.

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  7. August 15 2023

    If you can't pave the part of the road around these mailboxes, filling in the horrible ruts would be fabulous.

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  8. August 15 2023

    The whole road needs to be engineered to accommodate peds & bikes too. I very surprised that no one has been killed or maimed yet. School & tourist buses, trucks with huge horse trailers, almost daily emergency vehicles, plus general knuckleheads can barely fit on the road in it's current state, as evidenced by the ruts at the edge of the pavement on most curves. It's surprising to me just how many bicyclists actually are brave(?) enough to chance it. Fix it BEFORE someone dies, not after.

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  9. August 15 2023

    Rumble strips on the fog line in both directions would improve safety for both bikes and cars. Please don't put it in the bike lane.

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  10. August 15 2023

    Don't need four lanes all the way between SLO and Los Osos but having a center turn lane or turn pockets for adjoining roads and driveways will save lives. Every road/driveway has skid marks leading up to it.

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  11. August 15 2023

    Previous comment intended for area between monarch grove elementary and the community center

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  12. August 15 2023

    Echoing other comments that we need a safe bike/pedestrian corridor in this area. Our family would cycle rather than drive at least once a week along this stretch if there was a safe thoroughfare for bicycles

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  13. August 15 2023

    I would like to see a roundabout here. Would alleviate the twice daily backup.

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  14. August 15 2023

    The merge lane is absolutely needed, but reckless (or inexperienced) drivers do make it dangerous for others traveling west on LOVR if they merge too early, which happens often. Perhaps consider adding flexible plastic delineator posts between the merge lane and LOVR for the first 20, 30 meters to make it clear that merging drivers need to pick up speed prior to merge.

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  15. August 15 2023

    This is a problem turn for East bound cyclists seeking to turn left onto Turi Rd from Los Osos Valley Rd. Often traffic is too dense and rapid for cyclists to make that left turn without stopping on shoulder and waiting until traffic subsides.

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  16. August 15 2023

    I would like to see rumble strips placed on both sides of the road on the fog lines the entire length of LOVR, at least from Foothill Blvd to South Bay Blvd.

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  17. August 15 2023

    Repair needed along the ocean-side lane here. This area needs to be widened so as to avoid the potential for head-on collisions as people come downhill around the curve, from the visitor's center.

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  18. August 15 2023

    Please re-engineer the fix to the horrific pothole that opened up near this location after the big rains of 2022/23. The fix has been holding lately but a permanent solution that will last beyond the next wet winter is still required, based on how the repair is getting lumpier every day.

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  19. August 15 2023

    The merge lane is very helpful with traffic. With that being said a sign needs to be posted that it is not a stop, but a merge lane just like an on ramp. Cars often sit in that lane for long periods of time backing up traffic onto Foothill. There is a significant issue with citizens trying to be traffic control which only leads to more aggressive driving patterns in this area.

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  20. August 15 2023

    We should add a combo bike path and pedestrian path/sidewalk, which would enable safe access by foot or bicycle, from roughly the entrance to Cabrillo Estates to the entrance of MdO State Park (where the horse camp road goes east down into that area). Currently, pedestrians cannot access the park on foot via LOVR. I am astounded and cyclists even try, it is so dangerous around that one curve.

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  21. August 15 2023

    We desperately need a proper sidewalk path along LOVR between Palisades and Monarch Grove elementary school. Unless you are OK walking in the bike lane along the busy artery of LOVR, pedestrians are forced to go up into the Highland/Lilac neighborhood, or else go way down towards Sweet Springs and back up into town.

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  22. August 15 2023

    Need a traffic signal at Pine and LOVR

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  23. August 15 2023

    There needs to be a sidewalk from MG Elementary to the Los Osos Park

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  24. August 15 2023

    There needs to be a sidewalk here

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  25. August 15 2023

    We need protected bike paths for families to ride on with young children.

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