Comments for “Ardmore Master Plan”
Our Ardmore community signage here and elsewhere in Ardmore could use some refurbishment.
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Great place for a bus shelter
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Pedestrian access to businesses with no street frontage works really well here and could be a model for dealing with similar unique situations elsewhere in Ardmore.
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As this area of Ardmore redevelops, we should consider pedestrian crosswalks such as the pedestrian-controlled crosswalk near Tropico on Lancaster Avenue.
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In addition to the other comments on increasing/promoting pedestrian use of the bridge, lets beautify the bridge! Are there ways to shade some or all of it? This bridge serves as a nice counterweight to the Station Ave "Ardmore" underpass, and could be similarly beautified.
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Bit of an awkward intersection as cars turn quickly off of Lancaster Ave onto Argyle Rd
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We should consider replicating this type of pedestrian-controlled crosswalk elsewhere on Lancaster Avenue, since it functions well as both a traffic calming tool and pedestrian safety enhancement.
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Sidewalks need to be clear of obstructions and encumbrances. Planters used to buffer pedestrians from traffic and to prevents mid-block crossings. Brick should be replaced with a tree trench for more trees.
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Façade grant program to help improve storefronts and promote design guidelines
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The alley is a great place for pedestrian respite, and add a lot of charm and character to Ardmore. We should encourage beautification of our alleys.
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Reconsider parking alignment to allow safer pedestrian sidewalk use and better vehicle maneuverability to and from the businesses.
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Improve the bus stop by removing bus bay and replacing concrete with new covered shelter and expanded green space into the plaza.
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Archway should be enhanced with murals and lights, sidewalk treatment
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Why are there so many bollards on this side of Lancaster Avenue and not the North side?
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Green space should be expanded; reduce parking area and add more passive space and community space for gathering and events.
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Consider re-aligning Anderson Avenue to connect with Mill Creek Road, removing the extra signal.
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Crosswalk here- where people naturally cross. Human led design!
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Better lighting and art in the pedestrian underpass to make it feel more comfortable. Also consider a bike wheeling ramp for the stairs to make it easier to use the connection with a bike.
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Visually tie Cricket and Rittenhouse together, trees, lights planters and patterned crosswalks.
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The street scale is out of proportion on Rittenhouse. More canopy trees to reduce heat island and lights to fill-in the space. Remove the individual parking meters and go with centralized pay centers. Reduce on street parking, increase size of corner pocket green space and outdoor gathering eating areas. Reduce Rittenhouse to a one-way.
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Remove individual parking meters and replace with centralized payment center, replace meters with panting boxes.
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Side access corridor to parking lots should seemingly connect to corridor across the street, between Positano and Rikumo.
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Access corridor to rear parking should be lit, and have plants and benches.
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Extend flower boxes, verge, tree trenches to Woodside Avenue.
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Access corridors between buildings to rear parking lots should be lit with festival lighting, plants, benches, maybe wall art - more welcoming.
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