Comments for “Ardmore Master Plan”
We should find opportunities to regularly/quarterly close all or some of Lancaster to vehicles. This was done as a "walkalong" back in 1972. It's closed annually for the bike race which is a private fundraiser. So it can be done, let's do it. We're bringing more and more residents to downtown Ardmore, we should find a way to prioritize pedestrians over vehicles and it would be a great boost to the business district.
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Missing Lower Merion Beverage Co.
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Cricket Flats looks so much nicer than One Ardmore. How do we get the same design standards as Cricket Flats applied throughout Ardmore so we have no more monoliths?
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Popular bus stop, should have a shelter
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Where does sidewalk end and parking lot begin? Business customers park on sidewalks at this corner all the time. How can enforcement be improved or conditions changed so this corner is safe for pedestrians and the children who use it as a bus stop?
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if this is the western border of Ardmore, there should be some kind of transition into the business district. Otherwise all we have is this horrible pedestrian intersection. There has to be a better way to manage vehicles and pedestrians here and along woodside so everyone can have access to both sides of the tracks. Infrastructure is commonly used to separate and close off neighborhoods; how can we correct this?
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Would love to see bike lanes along Ardmore Ave.
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This road is too wide -- it encourages high speeds but there is a lot of pedestrian traffic coming across from the parking lot.
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This bus stop is used a fair bit and would benefit from a shelter. Or just a lot more trees on this barren, horrible stretch.
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The 103 stop here is relatively heavily used and could use a bench / shelter.
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Would like to see the landscaping in front of township building reflect best practices for ecological landscaping: reduce the amount of lawn, prioritize native plants, plant large shade trees, reduce stormwater runoff, etc.
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Need bigger sidewalk in front of Ardmore Music Hall -- often large numbers of pedestrians outside and they sometimes step into the street; should slow down traffic and widen sidewalk.
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This little tree-covered area by the bus stop is beautiful; would love to see it expanded with room for bigger trees.
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As another comment noted, this is a nice little corner, but it could use a lot more shade -- make enough planting space for one or two mature trees.
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These tree pits are much too small and are causing the trees to die before the get big enough to provide adequate shade. Expand sidewalk space to provide more room for trees to grow without damaging sidewalks.
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I have to use this as an alternate bike route because riding on Lancaster isn't safe and the sidewalks are far to narrow and crowded for safe riding. Ideally limit Lancaster to 1 lane each direction and add bike lanes instead. But if that's not feasible maybe consider adding bike-only lanes / bridges between parking lots as lower-stress connectors to allow movement within the area.
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These 8 parking spaces are pointless because there is ample parking behind the businesses, and dangerous because people open doors and step out into traffic from between cars. Consider eliminating them to create more curb space, a protected bike lane, or make more room in the tree pits so they can grow bigger.
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Lots of people cut across Woodside road here to get to/from the Wawa and other shops. If the Woodside Road underpass was narrowed to one lane with a sidewalk on both sides it would be safer because people could get to Montgomery and cross there.
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Crosswalk across Anderson needs better visibility signage.
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Create pedestrian access from Greenfield to Holland
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Consider signalizing this intersection. It would benefit from additional controls. Additionally it would provide an opportunity for pedestrian crossing (breaking up this mega block). There is also a bus stop at this intersection that is used quite a bit and could benefit from additional amenities.
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Trash, high grass, random detritis, especially around the "driveway" from W Athens into the IHOP lot. Who is responsible and are there no codes to require the owner/tenants clean this space?
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Has the township ever engaged w/ the Masons to explore cleaning up and opening this back yard space to the public? Large grassy totally unused surrounded by old chain link fence topped with barbed wire.
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No trees, no shade, no relief from vehicles. If we're stuck with a huge surface lot, can we get some improvements?
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This area collects trash, fence looks really bad. Could we work w/ Amtrak/Septa to improve screening or just ensure trash is getting picked up regularly?
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