Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. January 01 2024

    Improve Pedestrian Safety at the off-ramp

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  2. January 01 2024

    Dangerous, high speed pedestrian crossing, where drivers ignore traffic signals and disregard pedestrian safety. Sidewalks north of this intersection are not ADA-friendly.

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  3. January 01 2024

    The bike lane/shoulder needs a transition (green) marker line to guide cyclists away from the right turn lanes and to warn drivers of where cyclists need to shift left before entering an intersection (as at Tank Farm & Higuera; make it a standard)

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  4. January 01 2024

    Bad crossing for people trying access the businesses across the 3A bus stop due to high speed cars and a lack of a crossing for California Bl here. Add a crosswalk here to increase safety and accesibility.

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  5. January 01 2024

    So many issues with speeding trucks and almost getting doored.

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  6. January 01 2024

    No place to cross Marsh st at Marsh and Beach St. Sometimes cars turn the wrong way on Marsh to enter the parking lot at the bank.

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  7. January 01 2024

    Very busy intersection at school drop off and pick up. Could be four way stop.

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  8. January 01 2024

    With increased pedestrian traffic, speed limit should be reduced to give drivers more time to stop and to increase the survivability of a vehicle vs pedestrian collision

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  9. January 01 2024

    Need to renovate undercrossing to ADA compliant route.

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  10. January 01 2024

    No safe way for Murray residents to access bus stop and shops along CA Blvd.

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  11. January 01 2024

    Unsafe 1295 conditions, cars go fast on this street and the bike lane is not protected.

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  12. January 01 2024

    Widen sidewalk to provide safer connectivity between Stoneridge and Meadow Park neighborhood (and beyond).

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  13. January 01 2024

    Creek path feels very unsafe to ride alone on. Many people camping there and very far from other roads in case something happens.

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  14. January 01 2024

    Access from Sacramento Dr. to shops along Broad is only for apartment residents. This was a missed opportunity.

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  15. January 01 2024

    Missing curb cut.

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  16. January 01 2024

    Bike lane sometimes blocked with cars parked, or loading.

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  17. January 01 2024

    Cars trying to get into the parking structure will right hook pedestrians and cyclists here.

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  18. January 01 2024

    The whole stretch of LOVR between Madonna and Higuera is a cluster. Many driveways but drivers are looking to merge into flowing traffic. I would love to see the northbound sidewalk converted into a shared use path or something. There's so much space

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  19. January 01 2024

    I loved the shared use path here and use it all the time. The driveways still make me nervous. Specifically, the trees installed on the path are growing and they are the perfect height to block visibility.

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  20. January 01 2024

    I walked on Tank Farm from where I work near Kennedy and ended up near Mind Body. I won't do it ever again.

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  21. January 01 2024

    Connection needed from Zaca Ln to Bob Jones Trail

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  22. January 01 2024

    As a resident of Buchon between beach and Nipomo, cars drive much too fast on our street to avoid the speed bumps on high street. WE NEED SPEED BUMPS!

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  23. January 01 2024


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  24. January 01 2024

    Cars driving on Johnson frequently run the red light at the Lizzie intersection. I have seen near misses and personally was almost hit crossing with the signal. Children cross at that light every day going back and forth to the high school.

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  25. January 01 2024

    High school students near Hollyhock cross Tank Farm here every school day to/from the school bus stop at french park because going to a crosswalk adds 15+ minutes and there is no HS bus stop on the Hollyhock side

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