Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”
Not being able to turn left out of the shopping center on to Dalido road, or left into the shopping center is a huge misstep and wildly inconvenient.
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Unsafe T intersection. Should be adjusted
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Signal is needed
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Prevent/prohibit overnight parking, but also prevent the huge RV,s to clog up the small side streets along the lagoon. It?s dangerous to walk and drive, it?s loud and an eye-sore.
Pedestrian crossing by Pier/air park is vital, as is a designated turn lane. Owners can get stuck in RV access parking and can?t get to their homes/rentals.
Increase by a large number parking at beach entrance and keep what is there maintained and free of sand..: increase disability parking and accessLiked 0 times -
Signs! Speed limit signs all along LOVR! Farming Equipment hazard signs. Speed checked by radar signs. Cost of speeding ticket posted?
As many reminders to knuckle heads to slow down and drive respectfully,safely and sanely! Is this even possible?
How about those flashing speed limit lights?
People live on this road, vehicles turn across traffic into their driveways all the time,halting traffic behind them. Tractors on road..working to grow food! Visitors don?t know this.Need SIGNS!Liked 0 times -
Work with SLO County Parks to create a connection through the RV park and railroad to 4th St. Could be for bike ped only or for all. Would seriously improve bike ped access to schools and resouces in Grover and rest of Oceano
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Another bus route option is to change 28 to run down Railroad to Ocean, then improve Delta or Strand to connect through, then down Pier St, then either up Highway or back to its current route.
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The closest bus stop is at the airport and is the only bus stop on the west side of the railroad tracks. The route is also very indirect. Consider improving crossings on Highway 1 to allow one route to go up Highway 1 and serve Pier Ave more directly.
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No RV Parking overnight on Pier Ave. After the street is fixed up they should move the RV's to one of the side streets or the Airport that has less traffic and won't be the first thing people see when driving into the dunes.
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Add a Multi Story Parking structure with a restaurant or arcade place at the top. Pier needs more foot traffic in the area and make it a mini Pomeroy Street. I also own one of nearby homes so I think it is important to keep businesses and local people employed. The issue is people just use this area as an entrance for the dunes and somehow need to get them to spend money on the street besides just ATV rentals.
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There is always issues on Strand it?s not wide enough sometimes hard to turn into when there is a car there making a turn already. Very hard for the pedestrians walking out of strand too not wide enough and a very uneven entrance at Pier/Strand. It doesn?t help either that there?s not enough parking for the restaurant on corner.
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The gated off area behind this building is public property and should not be gated. It is a portion of the original Strand Avenue and is dedicated to the public.
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Strand Avenue between Pier and McCarthy was never adopted into the County road system and is not a legal road.
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Add additional parking for community and visitors to access all the dunes have to offer, especially unique rec vehicle activities not found anywhere else in CA, many beach towns exist but only a handful offer the variety available at Oceano Dunes Access for All!!
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There is no room for a roundabout and it would restrict long-length vehicles (trailers). Maybe that's your point...
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The beach will never be closed to vehicles campers, and off road vehicles. Get over it. That being said, more day parking for non-4WD vehicles is necessary. Get rid of transient "campers". Fast lane for campers who have checked in and annual pass holders.
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Pedestrian use should be restricted and diverted elsewhere
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Extend the sidewalk from the liquor store to Norswing for pedestrian safety. Maybe even create a multi-use trail for bicyclists.
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Need safe bicycle lane to the beach
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Unsafe passing lanes- drivers are able to stop to turn left in a passing lane! If the road way is limited, get rid of passing lanes and create a center turn lane for the entire length of LOVR
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from Palisades to Pecho- drivers pass on the right. There is no side walk or protected bike lane. Very unsafe for biking/walking. Again- this is a path that students use to walk home.
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very dangerous crosswalk
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High speed- cross walk very hidden- no one stops, needs crosswalk lights, dangerous for kids crossing to get to school
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Creating a Class 1 bike path from SLO to MDO, like the one from Ojai to Ventura, would be beneficial for promoting more biking by locals, making the roads safer for everyone AND creating a draw for cycle tourists. Many people plan their vacations to go places where they can ride their bikes away from cars. Imagine how amazing it would be to visit Montana de Oro via a super safe bike path.
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