Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. December 01 2023

    The entire passing lane (both sides) needs to be eliminated and the speed limit lowered. Widening the road will not remedy the problems of speeding and accidents, as it ultimately funnels into one lane in Los Osos anyway.

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  2. December 01 2023

    There should be a middle turning lane for the entire stretch of what is now a passing lane. It is dangerous for the homes and businesses here as drivers regularly speed to pass. I'm sure the number of speeding tickets and accidents here support this.

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  3. December 01 2023

    This is where many drivers begin to pass other cars already going 55-60 mph. From Turri Rd to the end of the passing lanes speeding and accidents are common. The passing lanes should be eliminated and a middle turn lane for the homes and businesses should be installed. The speed limit should also be lowered to 45 mph.

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  4. December 01 2023

    Where is the crash data to justify spending this tax money? What a waste of money and time fixing something that isn?t broke. You guys are that bored spending our tax money???

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  5. November 30 2023

    We need to somehow educate motorists that it isn't "nice" to stop for a cyclist waiting to cross LOVR (for instance to or from the post office). I've had motorists scream at me for not taking them up on crossing the street illegally while they're possibly going to be hit from behind because they've stopped for no legal reason in order to be "nice". I've almost been hit more than once due to folks like this.

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  6. November 30 2023

    Pecho is fine for cyclists down by the Monarch Grove housing development, but all the way from there to the PG&E land, motorists are a real threat to cyclists -- there just isn't enough room on the road for a cyclist, a passing car, & oncoming traffic.

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  7. November 30 2023

    A bike trail separated from the road seems well worth it for the entire length from foothill to Los Osos.

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  8. November 30 2023

    Roundabout at LOVR & Foothill.
    Crazy that I should have to wait 4-5 lights to get thru Foothill headed west to Los Osos every work day . Especially when all other directions have no traffic backup.

    Bike lane separate from emergency lane that tractors drive down and leave huge clumps of dirt. Need to be cleaned more frequently during raining/muddy season. And many cracks in pavement within emergency/bike lanes currently that catch tire and toss riders.

    Thank you!

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  9. November 30 2023

    Having just a wide bike line is not enough for the safety of cyclists. The road is commonly used by both work commuters and recreation cyclists. Ideally there is a barrier between cyclists and cars.

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  10. November 30 2023

    This bend near Turri is terrifying as an eastbound cyclist, especially in the morning during rush hour. Cars constantly drift into the right shoulder in the curve. A rumble strip would be a good addition here.

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  11. November 30 2023

    The road section between Monarch Lane and the entrance to Montana de Oro is used as a speedway given its straight line with no speed restriction elements. Drivers speed up or down this section. They ignore the crosswalk. I have seen cars speed around/pass a car stopped at the crosswalk for pedestrians at speeds that seem to be in excess of 60mph. A crash into a home at those speeds can be deadly. It also makes an excessive amount of road noise for those living along the street.

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  12. November 30 2023

    25mph speed limit into town is very poorly marked as it overlaps with the school zone. Needs to be signs or clearer indications of the speed from Palisades. Should be 25 all the way to South Bay Blvd.

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  13. November 30 2023

    This should be a roundabout to alleviate congestion during commute hours

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  14. November 29 2023

    Please make a completely separate roadway for bicyclists and pedestrians on LOVR. Do not ruin this road for cars the way the City Council has ruined the streets of San Luis Obispo...with its confusing array of curbs and green paint and narrow streets. It isn't safer for anyone!

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  15. November 29 2023

    4 lanes & some sort of central divder from Los Osos to SLO

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  16. November 29 2023

    The Left turn signal turning onto Foothill from LOVR in the morning commuting hours is extremely short!! I notice every morning that the light is only green long enough to let like 4 cars turn at a time.

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  17. November 29 2023

    I live off Clark Valley Road (Falcon Ridge Lane) and work in SLO. It would be nice to have a right turn lane and/or left turn lane near the stop sign for commuters turning onto LOVR. Currently we have to wait for left turners to wait for clearance to cross traffic going west. A lot of commuters don't use the center lane when turning left. Either that or install traffic lights there. There are a lot more people who live up the mountain on Clark Valley than there used to be.

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  18. November 29 2023

    Shuttle into Montana De Oro. Start charging for parking or State Park entrance. Reduced entrance for shuttle riders. Start requiring cars to have parking reservations.

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  19. November 29 2023

    Go ride somewhere else. Plenty of places to ride that aren?t on the main road into town. Another waste of tax dollars. Fix the drainage in Los Osos first.

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  20. November 29 2023

    Could speed bumps be added to road into Montana de Oro?

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  21. November 29 2023

    In reading comments about crossing to the trailhead, would it be possible to put in a signal that could be pushed that would create flashing lights to warn cars that people (and bikes) are in the crossing?

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  22. November 29 2023

    There needs to be a turning lane here or something else like blocking illegal turns across the lanes. When the farm has the pumpkin patch, Christmas trees etc there?s a lot of illegal turns across lanes and it?s got a lot of potential to cause a major accident one of these days as they aren?t suppose to be turning there.

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  23. November 29 2023

    There needs to be a center turning lane the entire length of LOVR. It is still a farming road and many people need to turn into their driveways and farm roads off LOVR. Also, the bike lanes are too close to the car lanes and many bike riders refuse to ride single file. Lastly, coming out of SLO when it turns into 2 lane is horrible. Please continue the 4 lanes at least to Foothill.

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  24. November 29 2023

    Cyclists speed down Pecho past Rodman and present a danger to drivers entering Pecho from Rodman.

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  25. November 29 2023

    This Road is amazing As-Is . I Take this road every morning and every evening to take my partner to work. Her and I love the views and it is a simple and straight forward Road To Take. I'm sure others on here will give you plenty of comments on what to change, But I hope You know you're starting from a Great Place already. Change is good and i'm happy either way

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