Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. November 29 2023

    A radar sign to alert drivers they are speeding

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  2. November 29 2023

    Add a crosswalk or traffic light. It is difficult to cross from Palomino on to LOVR between 6am -8am traffic is speeding. Weekends people cross LOVR from Palomino to visit the Oak persevere when parking lot is full. Very dangerous.

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  3. November 29 2023

    Why is this section 4 lanes? It creates a sense that drivers need to pass on the right on the way into SLO. People often drive 20-30 or more mph over the limit here. I suggest reducing to one lane each direction with protected turning areas and create a parkway with a walking/bike path down the middle or one side.

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  4. November 29 2023

    Recently During commute hours I have noticed the light is not cycling enough and I have almost had my backend in the through lane which is concerning.

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  5. November 29 2023

    Needs left turn lane for seasonal activities at this property. People go into bike lane to go around cars and at too high a speed.

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  6. November 29 2023

    Would like to walk (with the dog) to grocery store or town from Willow Dr. but cars are starting to move over for right turn and speeds are high. Need sidewalk or something other than bike lane to make is safe enough.

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  7. November 29 2023

    Often difficult to turn left, especially at commute times. Cars pick up speed after turning left from South Bay BLVD to get ahead of everyone before it goes back down to one lane.

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  8. November 29 2023

    Maybe we should fix the roads and finish the undone roads in Los Osos before we start tearing up the one road we do have ? Just saying.

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  9. November 29 2023

    A very explicit speed limit sign needs to be installed at the entrance to Montana de Oro State Park. At this time, it is reasonable to assume that 40 mph is permitted within the park because of the lack of signage. A speed an excess of 30 mph within the park is unnecessary and dangerous. A series of signs stating the maximum speed limit (30 mph) and appropriate speed reduction signs at curves need to installed. I am a local resident and use the park throughout the week.

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  10. November 29 2023

    The road should have a center turning lane from foothill Boulevard to Los Osos. This would provide safe turning across traffic, as well as create a buffer between the two directions of travel. I have to turn across traffic from the fast lane in the passing zone to get to my residence, and it is often a harrowing experience as people behind me will switch lanes going full speed at the last second, leaving the person behind them unaware of my presence, until they?re dangerously close.

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  11. November 28 2023

    I live just past the bridge on foothill. (upper right corner of the photo) Traffic needs to be slowed to 35 mph in this section. People tend to hit the gas as soon as they turn onto Foothill and it makes it dangerous at times to get out onto the roadway.

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  12. November 28 2023

    Very difficult to cross here without getting hit by a car no matter how hard you look it's just a blind curve.

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  13. November 28 2023

    A center divider would be very important all the way to Los Osos from San Luis.

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  14. November 28 2023

    A center divider to separate on coming traffic collisions along this whole road from Foothill to South Bay.

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  15. November 28 2023

    A median to prevent head on traffic collisions is the most obvious need along the whole stretch of LOVR hands down. The bike lanes are fine and very spacious.

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  16. November 28 2023

    The most obvious and important thing on all of LOVR is a median of some sort to protect against on coming traffic collisions.

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  17. November 28 2023

    sidewalks on palisades from LOVR to library would make this stretch safer for pedestrians

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  18. November 28 2023

    Flashing red light on Los Osos Valley rd at ninth and/or tenth st would reduce speeding and long waits (and wasted gas) on cross streets

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  19. November 28 2023

    Very treacherous for pedestrians to cross Los Osos Valley Rd. Speeding Drivers physically divide the community and discourage walking.

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  20. November 28 2023

    Speed Control through Los Osos urgently needed!

    Stop lights should favor side streets rather than Los Osos Valley Rd.

    This would also help to reduce speeding.

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  21. November 28 2023

    Double lanes from Diablo drive through to Los Osos.
    Allow more than 12 cars pass through the Foothill LOVR intersection/light during commute hours

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  22. November 28 2023

    Not a horse lady , however, they certainly need safer access.

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  23. November 27 2023

    Clean up and prevent overnight parking

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  24. November 27 2023

    Add a bike rack so people can lock up bikes and walk on the beach. This will encourage people to ride bikes more and reduce traffic

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  25. November 27 2023

    Add bike lanes so that people can ride bikes to the beach, this will also help reduce traffic

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