Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. November 16 2023

    I see cars getting stuck in the sand east side of the parking area. It would help to have more parking. A small area with picnic benches (like at the end of Grand) would be nice too.

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  2. November 16 2023

    Speed bumps/crosswalk needed for pedestrian safety.

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  3. November 16 2023

    Please consider removing this entrance/restricting the times this entrance can be used/ restricting the amount of vehicles. It would be nice to be able to walk/enjoy this beach but with the large amount of vehicles it is not safe.

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  4. November 16 2023

    Larger sidewalks are needed

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  5. November 16 2023

    For those of us who live in the neighborhood off strand, it?s impossible to GET in and out of our neighborhood when the line to get on the beach is long. It would be great to have a middle lane (like a turning lane) in the middle of the road for those trying to get into the neighborhood. As it is right now, I?m not willing to wait in a 30 min line to get home, so I just drive backwards on the opposite lane, which I know isn?t the safest thing. A bypass lane would make it safer.

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  6. November 16 2023

    A place to lock bikes up at the end of the street so you don't have to bring them onto the sand with you. This, coupled with better bike paths that families could use, will increase the opportunity for locals to avoid taking up valuable parking in the small lots and on the street.

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  7. November 16 2023

    It would be wonderful for the laguna loop trail to connect in such a way that you don't walk on the street and into traffic.

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  8. November 16 2023

    "Bike Path to the Beach". Create a separate bike path starting here that meanders to the north and west around the backside of businesses. That way avoid vehicular traffic.

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  9. November 16 2023

    Close off this section of Strand and make only accessible for pedestrians. When busy on Pier, many vehicles drive on the wrong side of the road to access Strand when they should have just turned at Lakeside anyway.

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  10. November 16 2023

    Arching welcome sign or Pier Avenue Sign across road.

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  11. November 16 2023

    Bike lanes or signage stating bikes may use full lane (though may not necessarily work when traffic backs up).

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  12. November 16 2023

    Mixed-use, restaurant/retail ground floor with residential above. Public parking in the rear. Any additional parking that would be added along Pier Avenue should not abut the roadway to enhance pedestrian scale. I live 5 minutes away and often park on Pier to walk the beach. Unfortunately, never have the desire to stop and spend money along this stretch. Increase parking, enhance pedestrian scaled businesses.

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  13. November 16 2023

    It?s unsafe for my kids and I to ride our bikes to the beach, which is sad because we live close. The brush is too close and at some points, the bike path too narrow. A place to lock up bikes by the beach would be amazing too, since you don?t want your bike stolen as you?re walking the beach.

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  14. November 16 2023

    Golf course- with resort, planned with PGA/LIV to bring thousands of fans, and millions of dollars in tourist revenue to the area. Could be used to increase vegetation/grass over the dunes in order to improve poor air quality created by the prevailing offshore northwesterly winds slamming into mountains of unproductive sand. Coachella valley had similar air quality problems and benefits greatly from the increased vegetation created by similar courses

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  15. November 16 2023

    Awesome land for a LIHTC project, which would help ease the visual burden of tents and homeless, bring hundreds of jobs to said residents of tents lifting them from poverty. Brings federal dollars to the area and creates a huge source of tax revenue for the county and keeps the homeless?s trash from entering the water we all enjoy. The dunes are ripe for development and would provide a blank canvas for a human centric developer, also create a coastal commission exemption to maintain efficiency

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  16. November 16 2023

    Large scale hotel resort creating hundreds of jobs and a huge revenue stream for the county?. See examples Bacara in Santa Barbara, or Teranea in Palo?s verdes?. Also mixed income housing on the interior to help house those currently in tents, but huge in scale, 4-5k units so it will actually impact the supply side of things and bring down the artificially inflated (supply constraint by NIMBY?s) housing prices

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  17. November 15 2023

    Replace all of pier one

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  18. November 15 2023

    Put in a parking lot - increase the size and pave

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  19. November 15 2023

    Some landscaping or plant life would enhance this stretch.

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  20. November 15 2023

    Better parking is needed, expanding what we currently have and maintaining it for more people to use.

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  21. November 15 2023

    Overnight parking is a huge problem here.

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  22. November 15 2023

    Speed bumps on the road may help with cars that speed through the street and increase safety.

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  23. November 15 2023

    No overnight street parking.

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  24. November 15 2023

    A cross walk with extra lighting would be helpful.

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  25. November 11 2023

    Car running through hawk crossing and giving crude gestures while doing so

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