Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. November 27 2023

    Add a separate lane for beach users with an annual pass. This will give locals better access to the dunes

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  2. November 20 2023

    The California Coastal Trail is supposed to reach MdO. Seems a safe provision for this (walking; biking) should be well thought out to accomodate this. It will be widely "advertised" on maps etc when implemented.

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  3. November 19 2023

    Change the street lights to distinguish Pier Ave from the other streets. The type of light should have a style reminiscent of the past but not historic looking. Also, more light are needed.

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  4. November 19 2023

    Add bulb-outs for street trees and landscaping along Pier Ave. This will enhance the passage through the avenue. It will be an improvement from barren sandy sidewalks I typical see. The corner curb extensions will provide added safety for pedestrians.

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  5. November 19 2023

    This business looks more like a repair shop than a rental business. One of the prime lots on the beach and I always see broken rental vehicle in the front and a chain link fence. It makes me wonder how the thousands of people perceive Oceano Dunes when they pass this every time they go in and out of the beach.

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  6. November 19 2023

    Relocate equipment for future street improvement.

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  7. November 19 2023

    Vehicles typically drive beyond the speed limit which make the intersection unsafe for everyone. A stop sign and cross walk will help slow down the vehicles.

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  8. November 19 2023

    Homeowner have a hard time getting to their home when traffic is back up to PCH. A long left turning lane on Lakeside Ave will help owners get to their homes.

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  9. November 18 2023

    Not enough parking for access to the beach. A tiny lot with not enough handicap parking.

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  10. November 18 2023

    Another opportunity for politicians to enrich themselves. How about we ease regulations so citizens develop the area as the market supports without raising anybody's taxes.

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  11. November 17 2023

    Pier avenue will never be anything other than a highway off-ramp for the off-roader until it is closed or off-road traffic is diverted somewhere else. The traffic from off-roaders created congestion and makes the area hazardous to walk or bike down the street. The street came alive during Covid when ramp was closed to vehicles. People parked along street and walked down to beach. The number of families using the beach was amazing to see.

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  12. November 17 2023

    Please don?t change anything. From what I?ve seen on any improvements done by the cities or state, no one knows what they are doing. Just look at the wasted money on the redo of the Grand entrance. What a total waste of taxpayer dollars.

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  13. November 17 2023

    put new parking in middle of street going both ways as was done in downtown Pismo

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  14. November 17 2023

    This busubess owner constantly takes all the parking places on the street in front of restaurant for advertising sandwich borads or ads on the cars. Totally illegal CHP does not enforce

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  15. November 17 2023

    Shutdown on ramp to beach for vehicles. Pedestrians only

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  16. November 17 2023

    Need crosswalks

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  17. November 17 2023

    Need sidewalk here

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  18. November 17 2023

    need crosswalk here

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  19. November 17 2023

    Vehicle access should be restricted to and from the beach. Traffic in the residential area is too congested. Residents have a hard time accessing their homes.

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  20. November 16 2023

    The most cost effective thing you can do to make this area ?nice?, is to put an effort into the landscaping! Lining this street with some beautiful native CA trees would make all the difference here

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  21. November 16 2023

    Add places to lock your bike.

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  22. November 16 2023

    Ban or at least drastically reduce vehicle traffic on the dunes. Just because something was allowed in the 1970s does not mean it should be allowed now. Wildlife and local people deserve better.

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  23. November 16 2023

    Need improvement and expansion of parking lot. Not enough parking spaces and danger of getting car stuck in the sand. Need more provision for parking for those who want to walk on the beach.

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  24. November 16 2023

    Somewhere in here there is a metal plate in the road that makes a huge sound when you drive over it. Scares me every time so I avoid it.

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  25. November 16 2023

    I would love to see a walking/biking trail along the dunes connecting Pier and Grand. A multi use trail would be a lovely (costly I know) addition to the boardwalk south of Grand. There's not a lot of biking trails and we have this lovely stretch of coastline. Morro Bay trails project connecting to Cayucos is my example.

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