Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. November 11 2023

    Turning onto LOVR southbound can be very challenging from Turri when traffic is dense and motorists often use the center LT lane as the start to the passing lane (that is just south of here) even though there is limited sight distance due to the curve. I suggest moving the start of the South bound passing lane slightly south to discourage this.

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  2. November 09 2023

    A bicycle rack would encourage me to ride my bike to the beach.

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  3. November 02 2023

    People drive so we really need 4 lanes in the middle? Maybe on either end but not sure about the middle.

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  4. November 02 2023

    With all of the congestion during summer holidays backing up to here, also the bicycle and people crossing a roundabout would be ideal here.

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  5. November 02 2023

    Close the vehicle entrance to the beach.

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  6. October 24 2023

    Backed up traffic entering the beach. On heavy use days both lanes going to the beach are backed up beyond Lakeside and Air Pak Drive (sometimes almost to Norswing Dr). This makes it very hard to get home on Juanita Ave. Maybe a solution would be aq 3rd lane close to the beach. Then have the two right lanes for beach entrance and the left lane open to go down the Strand Way. I don't know the answer is to this problem. We should be able to get home and emergency vehicles to the beach.

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  7. October 24 2023

    Living in this neighborhood for over 40 years I believe an expanded parking lot is needed for day use beach goers. During the summer and other beach use time of the year there is not enough day use parking. Causing beach goers to use up a lot of street curb parking on the side streets.

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  8. October 22 2023

    Closure of Pier Ave as a vehicle entrance to the beach is long past due. The tracked out sand amounts to tons of beautiful beach sand hauled to a landfill from our beautiful beach. We need a pedestrian plaza similar to Pismo Beach or Avila Beach. I would prefer Pier be closed to vehicles from the Elks club west. Needed are bike lanes, ADA & equestrian parking.

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  9. October 14 2023

    A four way stop sign or a stop light at the intersection of Encino and El Camino Real would make crossing the street much safer. Drivers would be forced to stop and people would more easily be able to cross the street safely.

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  10. October 14 2023

    People speed through the turn here and even though there is a huge sign saying itÂ’s a 15 mph turn poeole still turn dangerously fast. It would be great to have a stop sign here to slow people down before driving into the school crossing zone.

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  11. October 11 2023

    It's a good thing that the speed limit was lowered from 40 to 35 starting at Palisade up to Rodman. I've already noticed a big difference in the slower traffic flow. But, that 40 mph sign at the MDO signage just past Rodman needs to be 35 as well in both directions. Why on earth wasn't the speed limit lowered all the way to MDO? It's a narrow winding road with no room on either side for bikes or people and is extremely dangerous to navigate.

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  12. October 10 2023

    Drivers speeding through town rarely stop or even slow down for pedestrians in crosswalk regardless of flashing crossing lights. There are near misses on a daily basis and have witnessed close calls with children, moms with strollers, bike riders, families and individuals including myself. Speed needs to be lowered through town and on El Camino Real before the bend coming in from Atascadero.

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  13. October 10 2023

    This section is outrageously dangerous for cyclists. The speeds of cars are well over 65 and there is little room for bicycles. And certainly not for walking! The 55 mph is a joke. Very few people follow it.

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  14. October 10 2023

    We have hundreds of new homes going in as part of the Santa Margarita ranch development, but no handle on traffic or issues along El Camino Real. These homes mean increased use and traffic.

    We also need walking trails. Safe walking. So we don't have to get in the car and drive to somewhere and walk.

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  15. October 10 2023

    Coming into town from the outskirts there is a hill right before a crosswalk to an elementary school. It's a blind spot. Also people are speeding here. A stop sign, some speed bumps, something to slow traffic and get peoples attention.

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  16. October 10 2023

    Two speed cameras one in each direction on El Camino Real would pay for itself in a week.
    We cannot get any patrolling here so this is the best and most efficient option. No more human hours needed or officers. Set these up and 90% of the traffic problems will cease.

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  17. October 10 2023

    The speeding through town is epidemic. There is no enforcement of the speed limits through town, and also there is an inconsistency of speeds, it should all be under 35mph. There are residences all along El Camino Real through town and everyone walks here. The crosswalks are dangerous. The trucks are big and speeding. Very few follow existing speed limits. One constant patrol car here or a speed monitor giving online tickets would solve the problem 100%

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  18. October 06 2023

    The crosswalk at El Camino and Encina in Margarita needs improvement. I have seen (and experienced) several near hits there as people driving El Camino from Atascadero are going 55 (or faster) and when they get to Margarita, where the speed limit drops to 35 they do not slow down and frequently speed through the crosswalk, even when yellow lights are flashing and people are trying to cross the street. Starting the 35 mph speed limit prior to entering town could be one solution.

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  19. October 05 2023

    Negotiate with SP to allow some parking right here at the entrance of the campground and a day use area where people can park, unpack, and WALK to the beach. When the beach will be vehicles-free, parking will be essential. You better believe that it will happen sooner or later. So, start planning for it NOW, so that you don't have to redo Pier Ave. again in a few years.

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  20. October 05 2023

    We need a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light somewhere. I am not sure where the best place would be. Maybe here.

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  21. October 05 2023

    We need bicycles racks all along Pier Ave but especially here by the beach to encourage people NOT to drive to the beach.

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  22. October 05 2023

    Pier Ave is the downtown of Oceano Beach. It should have a plaza at the end of it, with benches, picnic tables, a look out deck, some ADA parking, and bicycles racks. Pier should be only one way in towards the plaza and one way out to maximize space and reduce speed. No vehicles should be allowed to drive or park on the beach. Pier should be a complete street with sidewalks and bike lanes on both directions, and diagonal parking in the middle.

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  23. October 05 2023

    Your introduction to this survey contains a false statement: "Pier Avenue is a small stretch of roadway less than half a mile long, but it serves as a vital connection to the Oceano Dunes State Recreation Area... " In fact, State Parks is using Pier Avenue as an access to the ODSVRA unlawfully. Please delete it.

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  24. October 04 2023

    Recently a pedestrian was killed crossing El Camino Real, a situation made possible by the wide, high-speed design of the road. El Camino Real within the Atascadero city limits should be revitalized with traffic calming measures and multi-modal improvements. With 100' of ROW, there are huge opportunities to expand pedestrian and transit spaces while leaving room for cars. Attached is just one possible design for a revitalized transit corridor.

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  25. October 03 2023

    Dedicated Right hand turn lane needed here!

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