Comments for “Safety Action Plan Feedback Map”

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  1. October 03 2023

    Please extend Rosina through the field so it connects to the Library/community center. This will eliminate biking and Pedestrian traffic on this busy section of road.

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  2. October 03 2023

    From Palisades down to Monarch Grove there should be a center turn lane AND a reasonable bike path. When residents are stopped to turn left it creates an unsafe situation.

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  3. October 02 2023

    Underground overhead electrical and telecommunication lines. Consider this as a "scenic" road. Yes it will be expensive and take a long time to get it done so start planning now.

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  4. October 02 2023

    Plan to make bike paths totally separated from roadway. Our culture does not work well when mixing cars travelling at higher speeds and bikes.

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  5. October 02 2023

    This PG&E hi-voltage electrical transmission tower will be a problem with the road is ever widen in this direction. It would take many years to move this tower, just be aware.

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  6. October 02 2023

    this intersection does not work during evening commute near 5:00 pm. Traffic heading home to Los Osos backs up into City of SLO.

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  7. October 02 2023

    during the Thanksgiving and Xmas holidays, the intersection with this private driveway creates a problem: to much traffic.

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  8. September 28 2023

    An equestrian crossing light is needed here so horses and pedestrians can cross safely. Problems are 3 way stop, blind curve, excessive speeds.

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  9. September 28 2023

    County needs to reduce the number of vehicles allowed on the beach. This will reduce traffic problems, congestion, pollution.

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  10. September 28 2023

    To reduce traffic and congestion have the county designate Pier as Exit Only from Oceano beach. Relieve traffic and congestion.

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  11. September 28 2023

    Divided dedicated safe protected bicycle lane is needed at the intersection of PIER and Highway 1.

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  12. September 28 2023

    Regulations to manage business signage should be adopted to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.

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  13. September 28 2023

    Recreational Vehicles should not be allowed to park on Pier Avenue. Just like Grand Entrance.

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  14. September 28 2023

    Secure bicycle parking is needed component near entrance to Oceano Beach.

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  15. September 28 2023

    Bicycle Lanes with enhanced safety barriers are needed on Pier. Currently it is not safe or bicycle friendly.

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  16. September 28 2023

    The number of vehicles accessing the Oceano Dunes on Pier should be reduced and limited. This will reduce traffic and pollution.

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  17. September 28 2023

    Code and Zoning enforcement is badly lacking on the Pier Avenue Corridor.

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  18. September 28 2023

    Clearly we need to take a more 'creative' approach to solving the vehicle problems on Pier in Oceano. Pier should only be used for regular passenger vehicles. The Grand Entrance should be used for RV's and Trailers hauling OHV's.

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  19. September 28 2023

    Improved Lighting is a must!

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  20. September 28 2023

    Speed bumps to slow down excessive speeding vehicles near the park and intersection should be considered.

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  21. September 28 2023

    Public transportation needs location drop off at the entrance to the Oceano Dunes on Pier Avenue. Currently Pier Avenue is inadequate when it comes to Public Transportation. This limits safe access to the beach and the few businesses on Pier Avenue.

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  22. September 28 2023

    At least one enhanced safety sidewalk with flashing activated signal is needed on Pier near the park is needed.

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  23. September 27 2023

    Until we take serious steps to improve safe access, include Environmental Justice into our planning , rehabilitation, renewal and zoning, as required by law, Pier Avenue and the surrounding roads and communities will continue to suffer in a designated poverty zone. What I find so interesting is that this is one of the most beauitful areas on the Californial Coast.Because of poor planning, past decisions,lack of enforcement, lack of political will,and strategic neglect it is time to fix Pier!

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  24. September 27 2023

    Pedestrians face many hazards and perils around the bridge and residential streets. Children and handicapped are always at more risk. Residential streets become "short cuts", overnight parking locations, and dump sites for large vehicles and trailers. Can you imagine living in a location where your residential streets and one local park are used for driving large vehicles and trailers. These residential streets should not be allowed to be used by these Large Vehicles! Pier Avenue is inadequate.

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  25. September 27 2023

    The parking lot, parking, restrooms, safety corridors on beach, sidewalks, are all out of compliance with ADA standards.

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